Table of Contents
- Know Their Stuffs Better Than Others
- Quick Return of Investment
- Chinese Business Law & Policy
- Key Opinion Leader
- Trust & Reputation
- Social Media Specialization
- Audience Overview & Real Time Data
Chinese Marketing policy & strategy is totally different than west. The population of china is over 1.439 billion. The number# 1 rank country is China according to population. So it does matter understanding Chinese Marketing policy & strategy if you want to target the Chinese people or community. Also there are huge numbers of people living outside of China and doing business outside of China. If you want to dominate your sales volume globally, you have to take into consideration the Chinese community.
1. Know Their Stuffs Better Than Others
This is an undebatable reason. It’s very natural because of the demographic. A Chinese Marketing Expert is definitely more knowledgeable than a general marketing expert. This is just because Chinese marketing experts are familiar with the Chinese environment. They know which specific platforms works best for promotion & campaigns. For example WeChat is on of the popular app among Chinese communities. And it best suits for promoting your business, brands & contents.
2. Quick Return of Investment
It will take huge time to understand & to become a PRO on Chinese marketing strategy if you are new to the field. So it’s better to hire an expert or agency if you are targeting Chinese consumer for your business. They can help you promoting your business & brands through their own channel. You will get your ROI (return of investment) very quickly. This is just because they are already knowledgeable in your niche, and they are trusted in their community. But if you want to start yourself it will take a long time to establish your reputation and to earn trust. And you have to invest huge time to learn the analytics.
3. Chinese Business Law & Policy
Chinese business policy, strategy & law is different than west. Most of the general marketing experts or agencies know about US policy but they are not proficient about Chinese law & policy. So if you want to sell your products or services to the Chinese people or community, you have to come across their law & business policy.
4. Key Opinion Leader
You have to think big if you want to grow big. The influencers are very handy for promoting your brand. Those are known as KOL. They talk about your brand for money. Those people are already popular on their niche and their followers trust them. You will get immediate response from Chinese consumers if a KOL refers your brand. Most of the Chinese marketing experts or agencies are connected with various key opinion leaders. They can help you to find & connect with reputable KOL who is very aligned with your brand.

5. Trust & Reputation
People do not pretend to buy a product or service as soon as they see it on the internet. It requires trust & your brand reputation. And Chinese people are no different. Moreover, they trust & like in their own way. An US influencer may not be able to influence a Chinese people very easily. This is just because of the nature of the demographic. But an ordinary KOL can influence a Chinese community very easily, because the KOL is already trusted & known to them.
6. Social Media Specialization
All the social media platforms are not equally popular to all the community. For example- French people like/use Twitter more than Facebook. And this popularity can be opposite in another community. The Chinese community also have some fascination about social media platforms. WeChat by Tencent, Weibo, etc are way much popular to Chinese people. That is why it is very important to know your audience and keep track of the platform they expend their time on. A Chinese marketing expert know about those popular social media platforms and they can help with it better than others.
7. Audience Overview & Real Time Data
A marketing agency and expert keeps track of their audience and collects real time data about their demographic, GEO, Behavior & Acquisition. It becomes very handy when you have proper data before you start any campaign. You will get full advantage of the real time data from a Chinese marketing expert and agency.
These are the main reasons why you should consider Chinese marketing expert & agency. China is the number one country based on population. Till to December 2020, the population reached to 1.439 billion and this is a huge. So if you are still not targeting the Chinese consumer for your brands or business then you are missing a large number of sales. And if you want to dominate your sales volume, you really need to hire a Chinese marketing agency or expert.